I don't know how many people will read this. I hope my fans will read it whenever they come across my page.
==Anyways, long rant begin... (skip to bottom for condensed version)==
I started submitting to Newgrounds and getting into digital music production about three months ago. This was when break was nearing, and I had a lot more time. I knew that during the break, I could have gone to go work and earn some extra cash to pay for college. Which I seriously needed. I'm a good deal in debt trying to pay off college tuition and books. It's horrid. But I decided that instead of wasting my time working full time, I'd try my hand at digital music production. Before that, I had always composed using a real instrument. Namely the piano. All my pieces before hand were solely piano pieces, and I would typically compose and play them on my out of tune piano. When I first posted up music to Newgrounds, they were all bad quality recordings of my piano pieces.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /164669
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /176188
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /184930
These songs helped me gain some fans, of which I dearly thank. My first fans were Krussi, WhiteWolf2759, and the no longer here Zellers. But these pieces didn't satisfy me. After all, listening to wonderful artists make clear sounding songs made me want to do the same. I had started lurking around the Audio Portal around January of 2008. I didn't sign up for an account though until March. It was then that I learned of this software called "Fruity Loops". So I decided to buy it. (Don't laugh, I'm legit. >:( Nyah!) Paid a good amount of money for it. I had tried to poke around in it back around April, but I gave up right there. So, fast forward back to November of 2008. Looking at my bad quality recordings, I took another look at FL Studio. That's when I started using it around the 15th of November. The result was a WIP that is no longer in my audio list. It was around then that a friend, Kazmo (my Kazmologist! :P), helped me out. He took my track and mastered it for me, being that I was the n00b who couldn't do it at the time. The result?
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /187681
Of course, I liked it, but it wasn't all my own work. Still Kaz continued to help me out, mastering some songs for me while I learned. After a while, and after some lovely Youtube tutorials, I started learning a bunch for myself. It wasn't too long afterwards that I got a song on the All Time Top 30 list.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /190218
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /190966
Oh my gosh that made me so happy at the time. Even though my rank was something like #29 and #28, it was still an amazing honor. #28 and #29 out of all the zillions of songs on Newgrounds. Of course, that fun lasted a week. I gained more friends. And fans. It's nice, especially with the support I've gotten from all of them. It seriously motivated me to improve my technique even further.
It wasn't long afterwards that a dear friend of mine passed away. I couldn't sleep at that time, and it was hard on me. I ranted a lot about that in this note. I also redid a song as a tribute to her.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /193146
After all of that passed by, I was once again hit into the spotlight as I found a FL Core remix that I made hitting the Top 5 spots.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /193668
At the time I was so mixed. I seriously didn't like the song that much, as I far from considered it my best work. However, it did earn me some more fans and a little more attention also. I guess I'm kind of glad I got that Top 5, but I kind of wished it was a different song. :( Oh well, can't have it all.
After that I went on to work on more music. It was then that I found a thread in the Audio forum asking for music. It was a result of this thread that I came to write my first piece for someone's movie.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /194778
It was nice and interesting. Having to work within constraints and with a time limit. I liked the result myself, although I thought it could have been a lot better. Nonetheless, the person who asked for the song, FateProductions, liked the song and accepted it. I was quite glad and felt good about it.
At about this time, I had a bunch of FL knowledge, and I felt that I should try stepping out of the acoustic genres into the electronic genre's. I started to play around with synths and all that lovely stuff. Result? Two WIP's.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /195772
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /195778
I do plan on finishing this someday... but I will hold that off till I get a better hang of all the stuff that goes with electronic music. @_@ Although in my opinion, electronic music is so much harder than acoustic music. x_x
Of course, those plans will have to wait a bit. Because alas, school has started up again. Being a lovely BioEngineering major (x_x *dies*), the work load is immense, and I have to really buckle down and get into it. With that said, I won't have much time to write on FL. :( Writing songs on FL has gotten considerably easier for me now than when I started. However the time I put into each song is still far beyond my affordable capacity now that I have started school. I will however still make live recordings and post them up online. Such as this one.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /201766
and this one.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /201919
The second one is my favorite song. It's also my first song from four years ago. I still consider it to be my best original song. That recording itself though, was recorded at a piano recital at my university back in December of 2008. An interesting note to that, the recital was held and organized by the director of Campus Housing. Originally the recital was only open to performances by residences. But being that I wasn't one, I contacted the director and he let me in. The piano recital itself wasn't bad at all. Except at one point when the pedals fell off the piano mid-song. O_O; Either way, he was impressed by my performance, and also by the songs since I performed all of my own songs. With that, he offered me a "music scholarship" of sorts. Being the director of Campus Housing, he offered what he could: free housing. 8D Hearing that made me all sorts of happy. So I decided to take him up on the offer. So starting this semester I'll be dorming, and in a single, all paid for by him. :3 Not to mention the dorm has a really nice baby grand Suzuki, and I do plan on making lots of songs and recordings from that. A big step up from my home's out-of-tune piano. XD
I think I digressed. >_>; But what I wanted to say is that until spring break rolls around, I'll be on a hiatus for music making. I'll still be around on the forums, lurking and posting now and then. But my submission rate will be dropping significantly.
But I'm not stopping with music making. Currently I'm working on a project with this other person. The person is making an audio drama called VIAN PROJECT. It's a sci-fi/fantasy type story, filled with rather interesting characters. I'm being commissioned to write the music tracks to the audio drama, and it's great. The style for the songs is different from my typical style, but it's so fun to write it. Some of you may have gotten sneak hearings of the first track Organ Jaws. It's for a cool villain character Lucadies Desdentia. >:3 Too bad I can't post up the tracks here on NG, since I was requested not to. :( They're so great sounding too.
But overall, I enjoyed being on NG, and I look forward to returning full steam once school goes off on breaks. I hope to keep in contact with everyone here, and I'll be sure to leave some nice loooooong reviews on your songs. :3
==Rant End==
==Condensed version==
Enjoyed being on NG, taking a break. Bai bai! :D
==Condensed end==
-HFX ^_^ <3
Big shoutout and lots of love to some of my favorite friends!
Love you and thanks for the great support and help Kazmo!
Keep on singing Lira!
Get back to making more music! >:O Just kidding, take your time MW.
Stay warm up there WhiteWolf! :( You always make me feel bad for complaining about the weather where I am. XD
You've got great music Krussi. Keep making music and get better. :3 And thanks for the support. Oh... and try not to get sick all the time.
Sorry about the site dying and all. But I hope to hear more music from you XenoxX. And good luck with those piano lessons! I'd love to hear how you've improved whenever I come back here.
Hey! Get better La-Yinn! XD I'll leave you lots more long reviews and by the time I start making music again here, I'd like to see you be at my level. 'Kays? XD
Stalker girl! XD If you're reading this... and you know who you are... KEEP SINGING! 8D And hopefully I'll catch you online more!
you dont know me but
Thank you very much for being a fan. Feel free to add me on messenger if you want. I like to get to know my fans. ^_^