Epic Battle Fantasy 2 is now out on Newgrounds!!
Yes, it is!! The very epic sequel to Epic Battle Fantasy by Matt-Likes-Swords has been released!!
Check it out! LINK=====> http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
Now the main purpose of this post is to give a track listing of the songs used in the game. And so without further ado... here they are!
Menu - Innocence
Minigames - Pianist's Journey
Cutscenes - Living One Day
Kittens - The Trek
Bees - Traverse the Woods
Guardian - Chase Theme
Jellies - The Lonely Reunion
Golem Boss - Heroes March
Turtles - Journey to the East
Sandworm - Orchestral 2
Spirits - Tsuna Awakens
Hydra Boss - Twins of Duality
Flybots - Space Adventure
Tank - Organ Jaws
Victory theme - z0mg \/ICT0RY!! ^o^
I hope everyone enjoyed the music!
Do also check out the following links to our stuff!
Matt-Likes-Swords Newgrounds Profile!
His DeviantArt!
Epic Battle Fantasy (The Original!!)
Epic Battle Fantasy 2 (The NEW and improved one!! :D)
HalcyonicFalconX (ME~!!!) music
Thank you for listening and playing~!!!
~Phyrnna ^_^ <3
Lovely songs... this is actually one of the things I like the most of the game
Why thank you! ^.^