Well, updates are supposed to always be new, but I'm not really great at always being on top of social media (I swear I'm working on it! >.<)
In any case, lately life has been rough on me financially and emotionally which has been putting a big block on writing music. I'm getting back into the hang of things, thanks to some friends. <3
So what's new?
I'm working on my Patreon profile. Currently I work two other jobs besides just working on music in order to pay bills and eat, which leaves me with less time for music than I'd like. This Patreon thing seems to be working for other people and I think it would be a great way to connect closer to my fans while (possibly) being able to focus more on my music! ^.^ I'll keep you all updated when that's ready! :D
I'd like for everyone to welcome my friend Miqz to Newgrouds! Miqz has been producing music for a while and just joined up here! Miqz also made a wonderful song for me! <3 Please check it out and show some love! @Miqz
I'd also love to throw a shoutout to @DavidOrr who landed a sweet gig and scored music for a free Call of Duty app! Head over to his newspost for more info and support an amazing artist who deserves all the lovings!
I just recently tested out Super Chibi Knight by @BoMtoons and I can personally say that I had a great time with it (and surprisingly couldn't break it Q_Q) and I'm excited to see the rest of it! They're also getting it up on Steam and jazz, so there's that too! Go read more and love them! :D
Oh yeah, speaking of Patreon things, I've been a long time follower of @D-Sun 's series Armed with Wings! He has a a Patreon up and is putting up lots of great content! If you have any spare change throw it at him! He's amazing!
Whelp this post ended up more about others than me, but then again I love supporting my fellow artists! ^.^ <3
I'll do my best to keep you all updated on things!
~Phyrnna ^_^ <3
P.S. A big hug to @Samulis @troisnyx and @back-from-purgatory for being my bestest buddies! <3 I appreciate your friendship more than you probably realize! Also @eliteferrex whenever he choose to actually be on NG. xD
Thanks for the shout out! Let me know if you need any help with the parteon, or even someone to read over it for input. Happy to help. Also please do let me know when you launch it :)
Haha I probably will! I have no idea what I'm doing with that crowdfunding stuff since I've never done it before. @.@; Any way I can add you on Skype or something? >.>